SAMS Insight
BETA MODE: Data cannot be used for publications. This is BETA test site currently.

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE): Divison of Higher Education (DHE) Insight Tool provides a deep understanding and an intuitive insight on the data host within Scholarhsip Application Management (SAMS). The site is maintaned by the ADE Office of Information Technology (IT) Shared Services (IT-SS). This deep understanding helps ADE and DHE make better decisions using Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) than by relying on gut instinct.
- New Applicant Registration: The total count of students/applicants that newly registered on the SAMS portal after October 1, 2022.
- Returning Users: The number of users logging into the new SAMS portal that were previously registered in YOUniversal.
- Student Applications: The total number of students who have submitted scholarship applications in the SAMS portal after October 1, 2022.
- Submitted Applications: The total number of submitted scholarship applications in the SAMS portal after October 1, 2022.
- Users Logins: The total number of user logins in the SAMS portal after October 1, 2022.
Note: The Dashboard is refreshed daily at 09:00 A.M. CST as it reads off the Operational data Store of SAMS. These counts should be considered as DRAFT-Only and cannot be used for any publications or, financial aid decision making. These are just system-level statistics to increase the system usage transparency and to ensure all SAMS system-related tasks and operations are working effectively and accurately with minimum downtime. In summary, this is a Developers’ Dashboard for System monitoring purpose only.